Monday, September 1, 2008

Just a thought

Hello there I figured I might as well introduce myself, mostly because I'm at work and would much rather be playing WoW and this is just going to have to settle for a close second. As far as WoW goes I have a lvl 70 Priest; who's spec I'm actually not sure of since a) This is the priest Latus referred to as 'My priest' so I haven't played her much and b) because I've been busy trying to get my Frost Mage to lvl 70. So close too, 65 when I left the house this morning and only 3 bars to go!!

As far as WoWers go I would fall under the category as a casual gamer; since I usually work later into the evening as well as attend school it doesn't really leave a whole bunch of time for raiding into the wee hours of the morning, especially since I value sleep much more than Latus. So I have resigned myself to the knowledge that there is quite a bit of the game I will most likely never have the opportunity to see. This doesn't really bother me that much specially since I tend to enjoy just wandering around the game, trying to get all the recipes I can get my hands on for whatever profession I've decided for the toon I'm play. On top of that I always enjoy myself since the WoW world has so much to offer for just about anyone who plays that game no matter what level of time commitment they have to offer.

Since its seems I've rambled on for some time for such a simple introduction post, there is only one more vital piece of information that you'll most likely need to know.

You may not believe this but I am one of those reclusive 'Girl Gamers'. Yup, I got a pair of boobs and I enjoy the geekier aspects of life. There are probably more of us out there than you realize.

So I'll be around to drop a completely different outlook of the WoW life, so keep your eyes open!

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