Monday, August 25, 2008

The Orcs Are Coming!

The brilliance of the WoW Insider column All The World's A Stage continues this week with the second installment of the history of the races and practical advice on how to roleplay that race. Once again, I'm one of those who smiles at roleplayers when I come across them in the same way that we smile at the very elderly or the very sick... but I love the WoW lore. (Ok, dirty secret... I'd probably have a blast roleplaying... I would just never admit it or do it 24/7 like I do simply playing my toon! Shhhh!)

In any case, this week features an article describing (briefly) the history of the Orc race and how one of their kind would be feeling, going through, etc, throughout the history of Azeroth and Draenor as we know it of late.

"If you've seen Lord of the Rings, or read any other fantasy story in which orcs are portrayed, you probably think orcs are hideous humanoid monsters charging mindlessly forward to slaughter helpless innocents. Azerothian orcs are significantly different, however, with a shamanistic culture that prides honor above all other virtues."

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