Wednesday, August 6, 2008

On My Command, Unleash... what the hell?

Let me preface the following pieces by saying I'm an experienced pvp'er, in terms of my character's life. I've been involved in it since I started playing and love every moment of it. I didn't get into arenas, however, until late season 3 other than maybe 40 games much earlier that allowed me to get my s2 caster dagger (which I don't use anymore).

I've joined 2v2 and 3v3 teams with friends. Rogue/Warlock for the 2s, Warrior/Warlock/Priest for the 3s. The 2v2 team is experienced in arenas now, the 3v3 is not, only me.

I promise I usually won't write whole entries about some experience of mine or other, but in this case, I think they will illustrate what a lot of people go through or what a lot of people should go through in their arenas to eventually excel.

This should have been written Monday and Sunday, but thanks to El Hackero (bastard), I'm only getting to it now. Brief introduction complete, let's get ready to pvp-write!

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